Recent Changes:

Farewell to outdoor bowls, hello indoor bowls



Mens league winners

Floodlight league winners

Floodlight league winners

"More photographs to be found by following the photographs link on the left of the web page"

Dates for your diary

Our popular out of season Coffee Mornings take place on the second Monday of the month.


2024 AGM Chairman's address

Triples Results - End of season

Ladies League Results

Bristol and District Bowls League Web Site
For Mens League tables and results including the Lloyd Trophy

City & County of Bristol Bowling Association Web Site
For Information & results about the Clarence Davey and county competitions.

Origins of the Club

In 1985 it was discovered that Bristol City Council had been building houses on the open space at Begbrook in breach of a covenant with the National Playing Fields Association.

Following discussions with the Association and local residents, the City Council agreed in 1990 to create a totally new park incorporating a bowling green (as well as other recreational facilities) to compensate residents for their loss. The financing was to be provided by selling an adjacent site for building.

The bowling green was laid in time for the first coaching sessions to take place in 1994 when the club had 33 members. In 1995 the first friendly matches took place and an equipment storage hut was built within the next 2 years.

The club joined the Bristol & District League in 1999 and has gone from strength to strength since that time. Members of the Gloucestershire Deaf Association joined in 2005 and play an active role in the Club.

Begbrook Green Bowling Club, Bristol finally got its own clubhouse and changing room in 2016

New changing room coming onto site

New changing room coming onto site

During its Silver Jubilee year in 2019 an automatic irrigation system was installed funded by a grant of nearly £9000 from Ibstock Enovert Trust through the Landfill Communities Fund. The club is extremely grateful to the Trust for making this possible and helping to improve the standard and quality of the bowling green.

New irrigation system installed

The club is now affiliated to,

  • Bowls England
  • The City and County of Bristol Bowling Association
  • The Gloucestershire Bowls Association